Deutsch Happen - Learning German Online

Learn German online with lessons, vocabulary, videos, and other interesting information about Germany.

Learning other European Languages

Learning German is just one of many European languages you can learn. You can also learn Italian, Spanish, French, and so many more European languages. If you are studying Italian, note that there are a lot of similarities between Italian and Spanish. If you are studying Spanish, note that Spanish is not only has similarities to Italian, but it also has similarites to French. Finally, if you are studying French, French also has similarities to other European languages so it can also start as an anchor point if you want to learn other European languages.

There are a total of 44 countries in Europe, including western Europe, eastern Europe, northern Europe, and southern Europe. Many countries in Europe have their own unique language. The three main groups of European languages are the Romance languages (Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, and French), the Germanic languages (German, English, Dutch), and the Baltic and Slavic languages (Latvian, Polish, Serbian, Croatian, Russian).

Romance Languages
The Roman Empire left behind the Romance languages. The main modern languages that developed from the Romance Languages are French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, and Romanian. There is similar vocabulary and even similar grammatical forms among the Romance languages. Chances are, if you are fluent in one of the Romance languages, you will have an easier time learning the others. Since the Romance languages were ultimately derived from Latin, they also share a similarity to Latin as well.

Germanic Languages
The Germanic languages not only incude the northern western Germanic languages which include German, Dutch, and English, but it also includes the northern Germanic languages such as Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, and Icelandic. There was eastern Germanic languages as well, but the eastern Germanic languages gradually went extinct. English, one of the most popular languages internationally and perhaps the most used second language world wide, is also a part of the family of Germanic languages.

Baltic and Slavic Languages
The Baltic and Slavic languages inlcude Croatian, Serbian, Russian, Latvian, and Polish. These lanuguages are mostly spoken in Eastern Europe. The Slavic languages are divided further into east Slavic, south Slavic and west Slavic. Eastern Slavic languages includes Ukrainian, Belarusian, and Russian. Southern Slavic languages include Bulgarian and Serbo-Croatian. Western Slavic languages include Slovak and Czech.

Mastering the Different European Languages
The best way to learn all these different European languages is probably to live in different countries in Europe that speak these languages. By living in these countries, you can interact and practice with the locals there and learn how to better speak their languages. If you can make some friends that can help you teach, all the better. The more you practice with a native speaker, the better you will get at that specific language. However, as mentioned before, there are 44 different European countries so it will be very difficult to master all the different languages across Europe. Having said that, once you learn a specific language, it may be easy to learn other languages within that language group. For example, when you learn Spanish, it may help you to learn other Romance languages such as Portuguese. Similarly, when you learn Ukranian, it may help you to learn Russian. So you may be able to learn a specific European language faster if you are already proficient in a language within that group of languages.

Finding a Personal Tutor and Practicing with Family and Friends
You can also find a personal tutor to teach you the specific language you want to learn. Nothing beats learning a language like having your own personal tutor. Most of us probably learned our native language through our parents and family. If you don't have family that can teach you the target language you want to learn, you can find a personal tutor to fulfill that role. To get the most out of your tutor, make sure you have lessons that your tutor has agreed to teach you. Also, don't be afraid to ask your tutor for homework and assignments in between the time you meet your tutor, so you can keep improving in between the time you meet with your tutor. Of course, if you have family members or friends that can teach you, that's also a very good resource to learn your target language. In general, the more you immerse yourself in an environment where the language you want to learn is constantly used, the faster you will learn that language.

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